It’s how we are made!
Have you ever been facing a dilemma, and heard opposing voices inside your head – one saying, “Go for it!” and the other telling you, “No way, get out of here!”, or one telling you, “Yes, you really should…” and the other saying, “No, you had better not…”? Or have you ever noticed how quickly you can be feeling content and happy, only to suddenly feel angry and defensive, perhaps with someone important to you who did something very subtle before your mood changed? How did your body feel? How was it for your mind with the oppositional conversation inside? Or do you hear an inner critic, telling you, “You are really a mess” or “You should be better at this by now”? Do you ever feel like tuning in lets you be aware of chaos inside, with so many emotions, thoughts, even physical sensations, going full speed ahead in all directions at once? If so, would you be interested in finding a way to call “Stop, time out!” and invite peace and balance, rather than the chaos and the conflict inside of you? Internal Family Systems (IFS) Theory is one way to do just that.